Sam Ryder - Tiny Riot TEXT

Tiny Riot
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Songtext zu Tiny Riot

There's a feeling, there's a fire
There's a whisper preachin' to the choir
Take the leaders and the liars
Throw your fears on the funeral pyre
Keep on breathin', don't go under
Keep your ear to the ground, hear the thunder
When the earth quakes, and the ground shakes
Throw your passion to the wind when the storm breaks

Mother, sister, father, brother
Step into the light and start a tiny riot
Stop being so god damn quiet
Got a spark in your heart, so strike it

Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to a tidal wave and fight it
There's so many, so don't hide it
Like dynamite ignitin'
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to the wave of a tiny riot

Take the music, learn to use it
Turn it up 'til your speakers blow fuses
Learn the rhythm, but never lose it
Keep on movin' 'til you know what the truth is
If butterflies can use their wings to turn the wind to hurricanes
You and I can break the chains and tase today

To start a tiny riot
Stop being so god damn quiet
Got a spark in your heart, so strike it
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to a tidal wave and fight it
There's so many, so don't hide it

Like dynamite ignitin'
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to the wave of a tiny riot

In the darkness there's a light
You can find it if you try
If you open up your eyes
If you're driftin' out to sea
You can just hold on to me
We'll make it to the other side...

And start a tiny riot
Stop being so god damn quiet
Got a spark in your heart, so strike it
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to a tidal wave and fight it

There's so many, so don't hide it
Like dynamite ignitin'
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to the wave of a tiny riot
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to a tidal wave and fight it
There's so many, so don't hide it
Like dynamite ignitin'
Crush your way up here
Turn the pourin' rain to the wave of a tiny riot

Sam Ryder - Tiny Riot Songtext

zu Tiny Riot von Sam Ryder - Tiny Riot Lyrics Sam Ryder - Tiny Riot Text Tiny Riot Sam Ryder Tiny Riot Liedtext
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