Sakis Tolis - Sera (The Dance Of War) Text

Songtext zu Sera (The Dance Of War)

The call of the thunder
The sound of death
The agony of a hunter
The lion's breath
The sound of a blade
The defy of death
The roar of a warrior
The victory, the flame!

The dance of the warriors
The screaming spell
The sound of silence
This scary yell

The call of duty
The vision, the death
This ritual, this beauty
We kill the dread!

Death, pain and glory
The lions heart
This is our story
Dancing with death

The call of the thunder
The sound of death
The agony of a hunter
The lion's breath
The sound of a blade
The defy of death
The roar of a warrior
The victory, the flame!

Death, pain and glory

The lions heart
This is our story
Dancing with death

Death, pain and glory
The lions heart
This is our story
Dancing with death


Death, pain and glory
The lions heart
This is our story
Dancing with death

Death, pain and glory
The lions heart
This is our story
Dancing with death

Death, pain and glory

Sakis Tolis - Sera (The Dance Of War) Songtext

zu Sera (The Dance Of War) von Sakis Tolis - Sera (The Dance Of War) Lyrics Sakis Tolis - Sera (The Dance Of War) Text Sakis Tolis - Sera (The Dance Of War) Tekst piosenki Sera (The Dance Of War) Sakis Tolis Sera (The Dance Of War) Liedtext
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