SAGA - Climbing The Ladder Text

Songtext zu Climbing The Ladder

Wiping his brow
He managed to tear himself away
The past few nights had left him rather tired
Returned his thoughts
To a need he felt overpowering
He felt success was now within his grasp

Climbing the ladder
Three runs forward, two runs back
Climbing the ladder
Trying to stay on just the right track

Keeps up the pace
Tells himself that it's all worthwhile

Hard work is its own reward one day
Could he be wrong
Are all his dreams merely fantasies
And would it all fall in on him some day

Climbing the ladder
Three runs forward, two runs back
Climbing the ladder
Trying to stay on just the right track

Now he sits back
Amid all the things he worked so hard for
And wonders was his energy well spent
Whatever the price
He is where he wants to be
The end has justified the means and all

Climbing the ladder
Three runs forward, two runs back
Climbing the ladder

Trying to stay on just the right track

SAGA - Climbing The Ladder Songtext

zu Climbing The Ladder von SAGA - Climbing The Ladder Lyrics SAGA - Climbing The Ladder Text Climbing The Ladder SAGA Climbing The Ladder Liedtext
SAGA Climbing The Ladder Letra de Climbing The Ladder com SAGA
Album: Saga (1978)

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