Safri Duo, David Puentez & Jaimes - Lonely Days Text

Songtext zu Lonely Days

[Intro: Jaimes]
All these lonely days
Gave my heart away

[Verse 1: Jaimes]
You took a really big piece of me
I could never have [called you?]
Always ready to fight for you, for you

[Pre-Chorus: Jaimes]
Oh, I can't believe this is real life
Shoulda known this time was the last time
That you [?] the sunshine
You know

[Chorus: Jaimes]
All these lonely days
Gave my heart away
Just for you to break it, I hate this
I don't know what to say
All these lonely days
Gave my heart away
Just for you to break it, I hate this
I don't know what to say
All these lonely days

[Verse 2: Jaimes]
You were down for the chase 'til you got [me?] ('Til you got [me?])
When you had me, you said that it's not it (That it's not it)
Every day it's the same shit, you said it, yeah, you know (You know)

[Chorus: Jaimes]
All these lonely days

Gave my heart away
Just for you to break it, I hate this
I don't know what to say
All these lonely days
Gave my heart away
Just for you to break it, I hate this
I don't know what to say
All these lonely days

[Outro: Jaimes]
(All these lonely days)

Safri Duo, David Puentez und Jaimes - Lonely Days Songtext

zu Lonely Days von Safri Duo, David Puentez & Jaimes - Lonely Days Lyrics Jaimes & Safri Duo, David Puentez - Lonely Days Text Lonely Days Safri Duo, David Puentez & Jaimes Lonely Days Liedtext
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