Songtext zu Smile
Tell me where you gonna be tonight
Show me something dangerous my dear
Everything has gone to shit alright
Everyone agrees but no one cares
Tell me who I'm supposed to be
Give me something to believe
And I'll be there
Just pretend its all okay
Everything will go away
But I'll be there
Don't forget to smile
Don't forget to smile for me
Do you feel like something's missing
Like your life is slowing slipping through your hands
What would happen if it went away
And we're quietly forgotten in the end
Tell us who we're supposed to be
Give us something to believe
We'll be there
Just pretend its all ok
Everything will go away
As long as we're there
And don't forget to smile
Don't forget to smile for me
Yeah don't forget to smile
Don't forget to smile for me
Ryan Ritual - Smile Songtext
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