Rüfüs Du Sol - Pressure Text

Songtext zu Pressure

(Break me down, break me down)
(Break me down, break me down)

Pull me down and witness me crawling (Break me down, break me down)
Throw me out, I'm weightless and falling (Break me down, break me down)
All around, the angels are calling (Break me down, break me down)
Pull me down and witness (Break me down, break me down)

You'll never break me down
(Break me down, break mе down)
You'll never break mе down
(Break me down, break me down)

You'll never break me down
'Cause I can take the pressure
You'll never break me down
'Cause maybe I can take the pressure

Take my heart, you can take my soul
Take my highs, you can take my lows
Take my flesh, you can take my bones
Take my life, you can have it all

Pull me down and witness me crawling (Break me down, break me down)
Throw me out, I'm weightless (Break me down, break me down)

You'll never break me down
(Break me down, break me down)
You'll never break me down
(Break me down, break me down)

You'll never break me down
'Cause I can take the pressure

You'll never break me down
'Cause maybe I can take the pressure

I've got air and I've got my lungs
I've got hours and I've got my time
I've got blood running through my veins
All my love hasn't gone to waste

Pull me down and witness me crawling
Throw me out, I'm weightless and falling
All around, the angels are calling
Pull me down and witness

You'll never break me down
'Cause I can take the pressure
You'll never break me down
'Cause maybe I can take the pressure

Rüfüs Du Sol - Pressure Songtext

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