Ross Jennings - Grounded Text

Songtext zu Grounded

Is this the love it takes to watch it slip away
I'd empty out the lake to see you swim again
I left it all to chance just to avoid the pain
Wish I could be your mirror just to see your face
I felt importance in too many lifeless things
I did not focus on the ones that mattered to me
So I breathe

Lost as I'm found miles apart
And I'm going nowhere fast
I have never felt so grounded
Stuck in my ways as it starts
I can feel you breathing
Just enough to trust in love is there

Am I overthinking?
Is it something given only when I'm ready to live without sin
Honest I feel nothing always calling but I wantеd more than I am willing to admit
Staring blindly absent-minded as your bеauty shining from an iris
If you're not turning her on you gotta turn this around
And don't leave

Lost as I'm found miles apart
And I'm going nowhere fast
I have never felt so grounded
Stuck in my ways as it starts
I can feel you breathing
Just enough to trust in love is there
I'm listening to your language of light
And I'm keeping search in open mind

Lost as I'm found miles apart
And I'm going nowhere fast
I have never felt so grounded

Stuck in my ways as it starts
I can feel you breathing
Just enough to trust in love is there

Lost as I'm found miles apart
And I'm going nowhere fast
I have never felt so grounded
Stuck in my ways as it starts
I can feel you breathing
Just enough to trust in love is there

Ross Jennings - Grounded Songtext

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