Remo Forrer - Down To My Bones Text

Songtext zu Down To My Bones

[Verse 1]
Have your lips forgotten mine
Since we kissed in the car for the last time
'Cause your eyes said forever
Oh, we're broken by design

Oh, you changed your mind in seconds
Two years dead and gone, what happened
Oh, I
Gave up my life for you

You held my skin and never let go

I gave you my blood until my heart went cold
I've never loved until I'm hollow
Till you said we'd be
Old with kids
Go away for summer
Same friends, have a home together
So I gave you my skin, my heart and my soul
But you couldn't love me down to my bones

[Verse 2]
My tears remember you
'Cause they know
You're the first and the last I could cry to
Every light left when you did
Everyday's a darker view

And, oh
I gave up my life for you

You held my skin and never let go
I gave you my blood until my heart went cold
I've never loved until I'm hollow
Till you said we'd be
Old with kids
Go away for summer
Same friends, have a home together
So I gave you my skin, my heart and my soul
But you couldn't love me down to my bones

You said my weakness
Gave us freedom
To find each other in the hollow
So I told you secrets
Showed my demons
But you couldn't love me down to my bones
You said my weakness
Gave us freedom
To find each other in the hollow
So I told you secrets
Showed my demons
But you couldn't love me down to my bones

You held my skin and never let go
I gave you my blood until my heart went cold
I've never loved until I'm hollow
Till you said we'd be
Old with kids
Go away for summer
Same friends, have a home together
So I gave you my skin, my heart and my soul
But you couldn't love me down to my bones

Remo Forrer - Down To My Bones Songtext

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