Rea Garvey - Perfect In My Eyes Text

Songtext zu Perfect In My Eyes

(Hey it's me... I just wanted to leave message, 'cause when I'm with you, I'm so lost... 'cause I love you so much)

It's like I pulled your name out from that wishing well
Got to know you while we played kiss and tell
When that evening sun came
You ran like wild fire
Left me singing here with Cinderella's choir

And as you left my heart was beating like a drum
Whatever you did to me can't be undone
No I cannot forget you
No matter how I try
You, oh you, yeah you're perfect in my eyes
You, oh you, yeah you're perfect in my eyes

I cannot forget you
No matter how I try
You, oh you, yeah you're perfect in my eyes

If I was possessed then I'd ask for your curse
You said I'm free to be free
But being free just makes it worse
It doesn't matter where you are
I'm gonna go that far
I need to explain that we can't be apart

And as you left my heart was beating like a drum
Whatever you did to me can't be undone
No I cannot forget you
No matter how I try

You, oh you, yeah you're perfect in my eyes
You, oh you, yeah you're perfect in my eyes

I cannot forget you
No matter how I try
You, oh you, yeah you're perfect in my eyes

I wish I knew but I don't understand
How I'm crushed when you let go of my hand
I wish I knew but I cannot explain
Love hurts but it's a good kind of pain

Rea Garvey - Perfect In My Eyes Songtext

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