RAINBOW - Kill The King Text

Songtext zu Kill The King

[Verse 1]
Danger, danger the queen's about to kill
There's a stranger, stranger and life about to spill
Oh no, move away from harm
I need a spell and a charm

Fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king
Tear him down
Kill the king
Strike him down

[Verse 2]
Power, power it happens every day
Power, devour all along the way
Oh no, move me out of harm
I need a spell and a charm

And fly like the wind
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on
Kill the king

[Verse 3]
Treason, treason, the specter looms again
Treason, reason, the realm is safe and then
Oh no, move away from harm
I need a spell and a charm

Fly like the rainbow
I'm no pawn, so be gone, speed on and on

Kill the king
Tear him down
Kill the king
Got to take his crown, crown

Kill the king
He'll rule no more
Strike him dead
The people roar
Kill the king
Take his head
Down, down, down, down
Oh, kill
Oh, kill
Oh, oh

RAINBOW - Kill The King Songtext

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Album: Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll (1978)

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