Punctual & Jordan Shaw - Do It All Again Text

Songtext zu Do It All Again

We'll do it all again when all the lights go down, 'til we both pass out
Then we come back 'round

[Verse 1]
Tell me everything
Tell me all your deepest secrets, be my remedy, yeah
If I lose my way
Will you bring me back to focus, be my clarity? Huh

Every night you been on my mind but all I find is nothing by the morning
By the morning
And all that's left is the emptiness but no regrets 'cause you know that I want it

We'll do it all again when all the lights go down, 'til we both pass out
Then we come back 'round
We'll do it all again when all thе lights go down, 'til we both pass out
Then we comе back 'round
Oh, you know we'll do it all again

And again
And again
When the lights go down, we'll do it all again
And again
And again
Oh, you know

[Verse 2]
It feels so innocent
'Til we go back 'round in circles right back here again, yeah

You're my adrenaline
It should hurt so good and we should both be sick of it, huh

Every night you been on my mind but all I find is nothing by the morning
By the morning
And all that's left is the emptiness but no regrets 'cause you know that I want it

We'll do it all again when all the lights go down, 'til we both pass out
Then we come back 'round
We'll do it all again when all the lights go down, 'til we both pass out
Then we come back 'round
Oh, you know we'll do it all again

And again
And again
When the lights go down, we'll do it all again
And again
And again
When the lights go down, we'll do it all again

Punctual & Jordan Shaw - Do It All Again Songtext

zu Do It All Again von Punctual feat. Jordan Shaw - Do It All Again Lyrics Jordan Shaw & Punctual - Do It All Again Text Do It All Again Punctual & Jordan Shaw Do It All Again Liedtext
Punctual & Jordan Shaw Do It All Again Letra de Do It All Again com Punctual & Jordan Shaw
Album: Maze EP (2022)

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