Procol Harum - A Christmas Camel Text

Songtext zu A Christmas Camel

My Amazon six-triggered bride
Now searching for a place to hide
Still sees the truth quite easily
But shrouds all else in mystery
While madmen in top hats and tails
Impale themselves on six-inch nails
And some Arabian also-ran
Impersonates a watering can

Some Santa Claus-like face of note
Entreats my ears to set afloat
My feeble, sick and weary brain
And I am overcome with shame
And hide inside my overcoat

And hurriedly begin to quote
While some Arabian sheikh most grand
Impersonates a hot dog stand

The Red Cross ambulance outside
Can only mean that I must hide
'Til dusk and finally the night
When I will make a hasty flight
Across the sea and far away
To where the weary exiles stay
And some Arabian oil well
Impersonates a padded cell

And some Arabian oil well
Impersonates a padded cell

Procol Harum - A Christmas Camel Songtext

zu A Christmas Camel von Procol Harum - A Christmas Camel Lyrics Procol Harum - A Christmas Camel Text A Christmas Camel Procol Harum A Christmas Camel Liedtext
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Album: Procol Harum (US Version) (1967)

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