Poppy - 󠁪they're all around us Text

Songtext zu 󠁪they're all around us

They're all around us

[Verse 1]
Stab me in the back and you don't think twice
Refute amity and now I'm vilified
Horror reigning down on the demonstration
Down with your performative action

Rain down, rain down
You know you can't trust no one
Have you seen yourself?

I'm not a sucker, I can see right through

When your spirit's black and blue
And the heroes all desert you
Will you curse what's coming true?
And the hate won't count you out
It'll leave you in the shadows

They're all around us

[Verse 2]
Never wait around
For the day will come
Disintegrate into a frail remembrance
Stolеn off the back from the ones you lovеd
You take their hand
Then you claim corruption

Rain down, rain down
You know you can't trust no one
Have you seen yourself?
You motherfucker, I can
See right through

Wave your false flag
Traitors all around
I'm discontent until they stay down

When your spirit's black and blue
And the heroes all desert you
Will you curse what's coming true?
And the hate won't count you out
It'll leave you in the shadows

They're all around us

But underneath
Under the weight of God
Crawling on your knees
All of the promise in you
There's a fate you'll meet

From every inch of the mire
They claw to grasp for what was never theirs to take
Ignorance is a poison
They feed their kids and then
They walk among us

When your spirit's black and blue
And the heroes all desert you
Will you curse what's coming true?
And the hate won't count you out
It'll leave you in the shadows
They're all around us

They're all around us

Poppy - 󠁪they're all around us Songtext

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