PLAYBOYBUTTAH - You're The One Text

Songtext zu You're The One

You the one girl…

[Chorus] x7
You the one girl

Since day one I been by your side
I know it’s been days you been down to ride
I just wanna hold your hands while you look into my eyes
And I love when I drive you on the passenger side
Hey girl won’t you tell me what’s up
I know we had ups and downs we ain’t talking as much
I just called your phone why you not picking up

Ima keep at it girl cuz I’m not giving up uh

[Chorus] 7x
You the one girl

I’ll be the one who misses you I’ll be the one who kisses you
I’ll be the one who holds you I’ll be the one who loves you
I’ll bе the one who won’t forget you bе the one who heaven sent
You be the one who makes me laugh uh yea you the one

[Chorus] 6x
You the one girl

I’ll be the one who misses you I’ll be the one who kisses you
I’ll be the one who holds you I’ll be the one who loves you
I’ll be the one who won’t forget you be the one who heaven sent
You be the one who makes me laugh yea you the one

PLAYBOYBUTTAH - You're The One Songtext

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