Pixies - Motoroller Text

Songtext zu Motoroller

[Verse 1]
First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It's like watching a line erased
First your tongue is tied
Then your words collide
Just right when you found your place

First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It was a very good line

[Verse 2]

I rode my scooter 'round Berlin
I washed away all my sin
I tried to call you on the telephone
And now I gotta do this all alone

First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It was a very good line

[Verse 3]
First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It's like watching a line erased
First your tongue is tied
Then your words collide
Just right when you found your place


First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It was a very good line

[Verse 4]
They killed it dead at Mason hall
I hit my head against the wall
We tried to play it on the saxophone
We tried to play it but that shit was blown

First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It was a very good line

First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It's like watching a line erased
First you run outta time
Then you run outta space
It's like watching a line erased

Pixies - Motoroller Songtext

zu Motoroller von Pixies - Motoroller Lyrics Pixies - Motoroller Text Pixies - Motoroller Tekst piosenki Motoroller Pixies Motoroller Liedtext
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Album: The Night the Zombies Came (2024)

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