Songtext zu The real me
Smiling a lot until
I have got many wrinkles.
I have a few gray hairs, do you?
I love to hum embarrassing songs.
I sometimes curse fate
But I pray for enemies.
The real me, the real me,
The real me loves to death
And that can be seen
As a crime in this tainted world
The most hated thing
Is to wear makeup.
Dancing in the rain is my favorite.
I am much stronger than ever
The real me, the real me,
The real me loves to death
And that can be seen
As a crime in this tainted world.
The real me, the real me.
The real me is a suburban girl
Who dreamed of singing.
Among the many sounds
One day you will hear my voice.
Pixiearts - The real me Songtext
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