Pinky Dread - Got to Leave Text

Songtext zu Got to Leave

I'll leave my land for you
I'll leave my fields and I will go
far away from here.
Weeping, I'll cross the garden
and with your memories, I will go
far away from here.

By day I'll live thinking about your smiles
by night the stars shall keep my company.
You will be like a light shining down on my path
I go now, but I swear that I'll be back.

At time of leaving, a kiss and a flower
an "I love you", a caress

and a goodbye.
It's a scant luggage
for such a long journey
Sorrows weigh heavy in your heart.

Beyond the sea, there'll be a place
where the sun is brighter
each morning on
My fate will be forged
by the stones on the path.
What is beloved to us
will always be left behind.

With my hands and your love
I will manage to find another dream,
far away from here.

By day I'll live thinking about your smiles
by night the stars shall keep my company.
You will be like a light shining down on my path

I go now, but I swear that I'll be back, oh Lord, hey!

At time of leaving, a kiss and a flower
an "I love you", a caress
and a goodbye.
It's a scant luggage
for such a long journey
Sorrows weigh heavy in the heart.

Beyond the sea, there'll be a place
where the sun is brighter
each morning on
My fate will be forged
by the stones on the path.
What is beloved to us
will always be left behind.

Sweet, wait for your day, Lord
Sweet, sweet wait for your day, yeah
You can never ever refuse it, no

Pinky Dread - Got to Leave Songtext

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Album: Sunset Vibes (2021)

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