P!NK - Runaway Text

Songtext zu Runaway


[Verse 1]
Stepping out of the shade
Wanna bathe in the light
They're giving us a bad name
Being good never felt quite right

I know that some place better
Far away from the ear, we're gold
As long as we're together


We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Top down, no no town
We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Break out the blue horizon
We'll never settle, pedal to the floor
Got everyday to live for
We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Oh yeah, born to run away

[Verse 2]
We'll be living in color
Yesterday was black and white
No more looking over my shoulder
We'll be in paradise

I know that some place better
Far away from the ear, we're gold
As long as we're together

We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Top down, no town
We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Break out the blue horizon
We'll never settle, pedal to the floor
Got everyday to live for
We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Oh yeah, born to run away

And we'll drive
Through the night
Following the moonlight
I'll be right
By your side

We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Top down, no town
We were born to run away (Oh, yeah)
Ooh, ooh
Break out the blue horizon
We'll never settle, pedal to the floor (No, no)
Got everyday to live for
We were born to run away
Ooh, ooh
Oh yeah, born to run away

Oh, yeah
Run away with me
Run away with me
Born to run away

P!NK - Runaway Songtext

zu Runaway von P!NK - Runaway Lyrics Pink - Runaway Text Runaway Pink Runaway Liedtext
P!NK Runaway Letra de Runaway com P!NK Pink - Runaway (2023)
Album: TRUSTFALL (2023)

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