Pink Floyd - Eclipse Text

Songtext zu Eclipse

[Verse: Roger Waters]
All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you loved
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give (All you give)
And all that you deal (Woah)
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow, or steal (Hey-hey)
And all you create

And all you destroy (Woah)
And all that you do
And all that you say (Hey, yeah)
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (Everyone you meet)
And all that you slight
And everyone you fight (Ho-ho-ho)
And all that is now
And all that is gone
And all that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune (Everything)
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

"There is no dark side in the moon really
Matter of fact, it's all dark"

Pink Floyd - Eclipse Songtext

zu Eclipse von Pink Floyd - Eclipse Lyrics Pink Floyd - Eclipse Text Eclipse Pink Floyd Eclipse Liedtext
Pink Floyd Eclipse Letra de Eclipse com Pink Floyd
Album: The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)

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