Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges Text

Songtext zu Burning Bridges

[Verse 1: David Gilmour]
Bridges burning gladly merging with the shadow
Flickering between the lines
Stolen moments floating softly on the air
Born on wings of fire and climbing higher

[Verse 2: Richard Wright]
Ancient bonds are breaking
Moving on and changing sides
Dreaming of a new day
Cast aside the other way

[Verse 3: Richard Wright & David Gilmour]
Magic vision stirring

Kindled by and burning
Flames rise in her eyes

[Instrumental Bridge]

[Verse 4: Richard Wright & David Gilmour]
The door that stands ajar
The walls that once were high
Beyond the gilded cage
Beyond the reach of ties
The moment is at hand
She breaks the golden band

[Instrumental Outro]

Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges Songtext

zu Burning Bridges von Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges Lyrics Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges Text Burning Bridges Pink Floyd Burning Bridges Liedtext
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Album: Obscured by Clouds (1972)

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