Peter von Poehl - The Story of the Impossible Text

Songtext zu The Story of the Impossible

Whatever happened to the great escape
The finest ever made?
Crafted with pride by masters on the trade
The world's greatest circus

We had this story of the impossible
A tale best told softly
One of make-believe
Maybe impossible to achieve
But really close

Who soothed the lion's hungry in the cage
With the confidence of a clown?
The little man who rises on the stage

As he falls without a safety net?

We had the story of the impossible
A tale best told softly
One of make-believe
Maybe impossible to achieve
But really close

Whatever happened to the great escape
And to all the plans we make?
Crafted with pride by Masters on the trade
The world's greatest circus

We had this story of the impossible
A tale best told softly
One of make-believe
Maybe impossible to achieve
But really close

Peter von Poehl - The Story of the Impossible Songtext

zu The Story of the Impossible von Peter von Poehl - The Story of the Impossible Lyrics Peter von Poehl - The Story of the Impossible Text The Story of the Impossible Peter von Poehl The Story of the Impossible Liedtext
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Album: Going to Where the Tea-Trees Are (2006)

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