Pendulum feat. Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh - Tarantula Text

Songtext zu Tarantula

Black tarantula
Time fi di massive come sing ya
Black tarantula
Don't play with my style, I might sting ya
Black tarantula
You want me inject me bacteria
But if ya body goin' stiff and your spine goin' numb
Now come fi get some

Shotter, hitter, serial killer
Go your funeral and I'll drink all your liquor
When you are bury we a stand next to the vicar

Fling on some dirt and make you buried little quicker
Shouldn't test the youth dem in the Tommy Hilfiger
Hug up ya Mama, say sorry to ya Papa
I'll a get number from your little sister
It's true, we're cold like Alaska; freezer

Black tarantula
Time fi di massive come sing ya
Black tarantula
Don't play with my style, I might sting ya
Black tarantula
You want me inject me bacteria
But if ya body goin' stiff and your spine goin' numb
Now come fi get some

Shotter, hitter, serial killer
Go your funeral and I'll drink all your liquor

When you are bury we a stand next to the vicar
Fling on some dirt and make you buried little quicker
Shouldn't test the youth dem in the Tommy Hilfiger
Hug up ya Mama, say sorry to ya Papa
I'll a get number from your little sister
It's true, we're cold like Alaska; freezer

Time fi di massive come sing ya
Black tarantula
Don't play with my style, I might sting ya
Black tarantula
You want me inject me bacteria
But if ya body goin' stiff and your spine goin' numb
Now come fi get some

Pendulum und Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh - Tarantula Songtext

zu Tarantula von Pendulum - Tarantula Lyrics Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh & Pendulum - Tarantula Text Tarantula Pendulum Tarantula Liedtext
Pendulum feat. Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh Tarantula Letra de Tarantula com Pendulum feat. Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh Pendulum feat. Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh - Tarantula Songtekst Pendulum - Tarantula (feat. Tenor Fly, MC Spyda & Fresh) Tekst
Album: Hold Your Colour (2005)

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