Paul Heaton feat. Rianne Downey - Quicksand Text

Songtext zu Quicksand

[Verse 1]
It nails you right down to your seat
The very opposite of wild and free
If you've never been swept off your feet
This place is like quicksand
Ever felt like you're going somewhere
Strange glue's got you fixed to the chair
Like a tiger cub stuck in a snare
This place is like quicksand

[Verse 2]
Birmingham's Venice, Glasgow's Detroit
Bridlington's Prague by the Sea
Sun's high in sky on English Riviera

The whole world is drinking with me

[Verse 3]
Between the jukebox and ladies loos
A crazy path nobody would choose
We're on a once in a lifetime cruise
This place is like quicksand
Sure I've been this place before
Keep peeping in the same old door
Keep sticking to the same old floor
This place is like quicksand
I'm sat next to the very same bloke
Who's telling me the very same joke
Barman has to give me a poke
This place is like quicksand

[Verse 4]
Coventry's Paris, Bristol's Madrid
Southend's our own St Tropez

I've been to every one but only in spirit
And we're drinking our way there today

[Verse 5]
We're Laurence Foxs, We're Right Said Freds
Devoid of soul, but high on meds
Buy your shoes from Benson's for Beds
This place is like quicksand
We're fuckwits, we're idiots
But, God, we're strong
Our feet are stuck, but our reach is long
We're trapped and scared, but we're singing this song
This place is like quicksand

Paul Heaton und Rianne Downey - Quicksand Songtext

zu Quicksand von Paul Heaton - Quicksand Lyrics Rianne Downey & Paul Heaton - Quicksand Text Quicksand Paul Heaton Quicksand Liedtext
Paul Heaton feat. Rianne Downey Quicksand Letra de Quicksand com Paul Heaton feat. Rianne Downey Paul Heaton feat. Rianne Downey - Quicksand Songtekst Paul Heaton - Quicksand (feat. Rianne Downey) Tekst
Album: The Mighty Several (2024)

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