Paul Anka - You've Got The Nerve To Call This Love Text

Songtext zu You've Got The Nerve To Call This Love

Restless nights without sleepin'
Cryin' eyes with endless weepin'
You have the nerve to call this love
You have the nerve to call this love

Your devil eyes are always teasin'
Harpin' tartin', never pleasin'
You have the nerve to call this love
You have the nerve to call this love

Love, your mask is so untrue
Love, where is the image that I knew?
Love, I need you to survive

Well, don't you know, without your glow
My heart can't tell a lie

Well, I'm your puppet and it keeps me flyin'
While you're cheatin' and while you're lyin'
You have the nerve to call this love
You have the nerve to call this love

(Love), love your mask is so untrue
(Love), love where is that image that I knew?
Love, I need you to survive
Oh well don't you know, without your glow
My heart can't tell a lie

Because you're my puppet and it keeps me flyin'
While you're cheatin' and while you're lyin'
You have the nerve to call this love
You have the nerve to call this love

You have the nerve to call this love

You have the nerve to call this love
You have ...

Paul Anka - You've Got The Nerve To Call This Love Songtext

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