Patti Smith Group - Dancing Barefoot Text

Songtext zu Dancing Barefoot

[Verse 1]
She is benediction
She is addicted to thee
She is the root connection
She is connecting with he

Here I go and I don't know why
I fell so ceaselessly
Could it be he's taking over me?

I'm dancing barefoot
Heading for a spin

Some strange music draws me in
Makes me come on like some heroine

[Verse 2]
She is sublimation
She is the essence of thee
She is concentrating on
He, who is chosen by she

Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
Could it be he's taking over me?

I'm dancing barefoot
Heading for a spin
Some strange music draws me in
Makes me come on like some heroine

[Instrumental Bridge]

[Verse 3]
She is re-creation
She, intoxicated by thee
She has the slow sensation that
He is levitating with she

Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
'Til I lose my sense of gravity

I'm dancing barefoot
Hit me, there I spin
Some strange music draws me in
Makes me come on like some heroine

Oh, God, I fell for you
Oh, God, I fell for you
The plot of our life sweats in the dark like a face
Oh, God, I fell for you
The mystery of childbirth, of childhood itself
Grave visitations
Oh, God, I fell for you
What is it that calls to us?
Why must we pray screaming?
Why must not death be redefined?
Oh, God, I fell for you
We shut our eyes, we stretch out our arms
Oh, God, I fell for you
And whirl on a pane of glass
Oh, God, I fell for you
An afixiation a fix on anything
The line of life the limb of a tree
Oh, God, I fell for you
The hands of he and the promise
Oh, God, I fell for you
That she is blessed among women
Oh, God, I fell for you
Oh, God, I fell for you

Patti Smith Group - Dancing Barefoot Songtext

zu Dancing Barefoot von Patti Smith Group - Dancing Barefoot Lyrics Patti Smith Group - Dancing Barefoot Text Dancing Barefoot Patti Smith Group Dancing Barefoot Liedtext
Patti Smith Group Dancing Barefoot Letra de Dancing Barefoot com Patti Smith Group Patti Smith Group - Dancing Barefoot Tekst
Album: Wave (1979)

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