Patric Scott - Patience Text

Songtext zu Patience


[Verse 1]
There is a solace
A reason divine
Beneath the breakage of the words we said
In my delusion
You'd open your eyes
But that's a reasonless want of the dead

So tired of failing
Trying to filter these lines

I'm over the reeling
You should pray for

Starting with me
No guarantee of the high road
Face it
You're starting to bleed
Caught in the teeth of a real life threat

[Verse 2]
You are the rope
The crippling coil
Around the neck of every chance we were
And I refuse
To lie here in wait
And see the room begin to fade and blur

So tired of failing
Trying to filter these lines
I'm over the reeling
You should pray for

Starting with me
No guarantee of the high road
Face it
You're starting to bleed
Caught in the teeth of a real life threat


Starting with me
No guarantee of the high road
Face it
You're starting to bleed
Caught in the teeth of a real life

Starting with me
No guarantee of the high road
Face it
You're starting to bleed
Caught in the teeth of a real life


Patric Scott - Patience Songtext

zu Patience von Patric Scott - Patience Lyrics Patric Scott - Patience Text Patience Patric Scott Patience Liedtext
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Album: Outlive (2017)

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