Parov Stelar - Pink Electric Shoes Text

Songtext zu Pink Electric Shoes

Baby got the blues
In his pink electric shoes
When he's clappin', slappin', bouncin', tappin'
All the girls get loose
Baby got them on their knees
With his super fancy heels
Sliding, thriving, crazy jiving
He is moving with an ease

Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home

Baby got the blues
In his pink electric shoes

When he's clappin', slappin', bouncin', tappin'
All the girls get loose

Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home

Oh boy you're a superstar
You don't need a fancy car
Got your kickers, my heart flickers
Girls are watching from afar
And no matter where you go
Always stepping on a toe
Other boys are jelly, jelly
For your pink electric show

You don't have to pretend, baby

We have to keep going
Keep moving on
And don't you ever look back

Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home

Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home

Oh boy you're a superstar
You don't need a fancy car
Got your kickers, my heart flickers
Girls are watching from afar
And no matter where you go
Always stepping on a toe
Other boys are jelly, jelly
For your pink electric show

Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home
Oh boy I'm a long way from home

Baby got the blues
In his pink electric shoes
When he's clappin', slappin', bouncin', tappin'
All the girls get loose

Parov Stelar - Pink Electric Shoes Songtext

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