Palaye Royale - Wednesday Afternoon Text

Songtext zu Wednesday Afternoon

The medication's wasting time
The clock is ticking in your eyes
Veins are turning green from stabbing
Overturn the nurses habit
On my own don't know what to do
Telling god he can't have you
Much too young to leave me here
You got no grey in your hair

Run away, run away
Please don't
Run away, run away

Cus the rain's falling down
But the sky is missing clouds
Can't wash away our pain
With a medicated smile
I try not to cry
When I say you'll be alright
Wednesday afternoon
Was such a beautiful day
To say goodbye

Said your parents are they waiting
Made apparent to be patient
Not the patient that stays longer
Patient mother is my father
Said I'm okay out of fear
You're my mother don't disappear (x3)

Run away, run away
Please don't
Run away, run away

Cus the rain's falling down
But the sky is missing clouds
Can't wash away our pain
With a medicated smile
I try not to cry
When I say you'll be alright
Wednesday afternoon
Was such a beautiful day
To say goodbye

There's so much more I want to say
But I'm just happy you're not in pain
I'll make you so proud with my brothers
Goodnight I love you mother

The rain's falling down
But the sky is missing clouds
Wash away my pain
With you medicated smile
I try not to cry
When I say you'll be alright
Wednesday afternoon
Was such a beautiful day
Wednesday afternoon
Was such a beautiful day
To say goodbye

Palaye Royale - Wednesday Afternoon Songtext

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