Palaye Royale - Just My Type Text

Songtext zu Just My Type

Hate to say it, tragic, face it
You've gotten me under your spell
She's an angel, blue eyes, blond hair
This angel, she came from hell

I'm saying goodbye to all the stupid heartbreaks
And all the little mind games that you try
I'm saying goodnight
If I'm just being honest, I'd rather be alone with you tonight

You're just my type
Yeah, you play nice
But you've got a little bit of death in your eyes

Just my type
Yet you don't care
And you change your mood just like you're changing your hair
You're just my type
You're just my type
You're just my type

Wake up
Don't talk, stab in my back
Somehow it's all my fault

Cause I'm saying goodbye to all the stupid heartbreaks
And all the little mind games that you try
I'm saying goodnight
If I'm just being honest, I'd rather be alone with you tonight

You're just my type
Yeah, you play nice
But you've got a little bit of death in your eyes
Just my type

Yet you don't care
And you change your mood just like you're changing your hair
You're just my type
You're just my type

I'll never let you go
Seems like I lost control
I guess it's all the same
She told me "love is pain"
I guess I feel the same
This [?] is always enough

You're just my type
Yeah, you play nice
But you've got a little bit of death in your eyes
Just my type
Yet you don't care
And you change your mood just like you're changing your hair
You're just my type
You're just my type
You're just my type

Palaye Royale - Just My Type Songtext

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