PAENDA - Perfect fit Text

Songtext zu Perfect fit

[Verse 1]
Temptation's always on, but I fight it
I could say I don’t but I like it
No, oh, don't go, oh, yeah
We go back and forth and deny it
And you can play it cool while you're at my door, oh
Once more, oh

Yeah, I am the first in a fury
You are snotty and dorky
But just look at as now — we are the same
After all those years playing our old game
Where I’m on my baddest behaviour

And you're my incapable saviour
But just look at us now — we are the same
We still goof around, playing our old game

But why?
Can't we just get over it?
'Cause maybe we're the perfect fit
(Maybe we're the perfect fit)
(Why? Why? Why?)
We still goof around
But, baby, maybe we're the perfect fit

[Verse 2]
You can make up reasons just to call me
And we can drink enough, so don't worry
No, oh, no more


Yeah, I’m on my baddest behaviour
And you’re my incapable saviour
But just look at us now — we are the same
We still goof around, playing our old game

But why?
Can't we just get over it?
’Cause maybe we're the perfect fit
Can't we just get over it?
'Cause maybe we’re the perfect fit
(Maybe we're the perfect fit)
(Why? Why? Why?)
We still goof around
But, baby, maybe we're the perfect fit

I am the worst in a fury
You are snotty and dorky
But I-I-I-I
Maybe we're the perfect fit
(Maybe we're the perfect fit)
I'm on my baddest behaviour
And you're my incapable saviour
And I-I-I-I
Maybe we're the perfect fit
(Maybe we're the perfect fit)

And why?
Can't we just get over it?
'Cause maybe we're the perfect fit
(Maybe we're the perfect fit)
Yeah, why?
Can't we just get over it?
'Cause maybe we're the perfect fit

PAENDA - Perfect fit Songtext

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Album: My heart (EP) (2020)

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