Ozzy Osbourne feat. Tony Iommi - Degradation Rules Text

Songtext zu Degradation Rules

Twisted little fantasy
Gambling with tragedy and doom, and doom
Addicted to debauchery
Staring at the ceiling in his room, in his room

Degradation rules

Pulling on his memories
He's ready for the pearl to hit the sky, the sky
Used up all his energy
He wakes up with twinkle a in his eye, in his eye

Degradation rules
Degradation rules
Join the other fools

Sticky little magazines
He locks the door and crawls into his mind, in his mind
Stuck inside a dirty dream
The hand that feeds you also turns you blind, turns you blind

Degradation rules
Degradation rules
Beating on your jewels


Degradation rules
Degradation rules
Masturbating fools
Watching RedTube rules
(Hahaha, hahaha)

Tony Iommi & Ozzy Osbourne - Degradation Rules Songtext

zu Degradation Rules von Ozzy Osbourne - Degradation Rules feat. Tony Iommi Lyrics Ozzy Osbourne & Tony Iommi - Degradation Rules Lied Ozzy Osbourne - Degradation Rules feat. Tony Iommi Text Degradation Rules Ozzy Osbourne Degradation Rules Liedtext
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