Oskar Cyms - My Girl Text

Songtext zu My Girl

Let me tell you a story
These couple things about us
We're on the way to the brand new morning
Where you and I...

You lift me up
I'm stronger now
You make me better
But i question myself

Am I a fool that I love you?
I just hope I'll make it up
Could you promise me that you'll never break my heart

Am I a fool that I miss you?
When I'm dancing in the dark
But I always knew that you gonna be my girl

You've turned the night into a daylight
The whispers in my head died away
I closed the door to the past that hurts us,
Will never come back again

You lift me up
I'm stronger now
You make me better
But i question myself

Am I a fool that I love you?
I just hope I'll make it up
Could you promise me that you'll never break my heart

Am I a fool that I miss you?

When I'm dancing in the dark
But I always knew that you gonna be my girl

365 Days: This Day soundtrack: Oskar Cyms - My Girl Songtext

zu My Girl von Oskar Cyms - My Girl Lyrics Oskar Cyms - My Girl Lied Oskar Cyms - My Girl Text My Girl Oskar Cyms My Girl Liedtext
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