Opus - Go On Your Way Text

Songtext zu Go On Your Way

Go on your way – don't listen what the people say
Go on your way – don't fear that you later have to pay
Go on your way – but you are wrong in believein' zhat's
An easy way

For many young men is the material world
More than selfrealization
They have made a great mistake
To recognize it is at least only one step to begin with
The next step is just like a wall
The chance to climb over is very small

You seek the truth in whaat you're doin'

Maybe you have to wait a long time
Many times you think that you may get it
And you will reach it if you don't resign

Go on your way…

Which reason against it there ever are
You need power for your way
Be strong because it isn't far
The day you will see the way
Andall the reason that decide your line
Only you can tell which they are
And for the things that make your life worth while
The will be worth it in the end

If you found the fun in what you're doin'
I hope your luck will last a long time
'Cause many times you only think that you've got it
And if you can't keep it – don't resign!

Go on your way…
(And you are right in believin' it's the only way!)

Opus - Go On Your Way Songtext

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