One Ok Rock - Renegades (Japanese Ver.) Text

Songtext zu Renegades (Japanese Ver.)

Got a fire in my soul
I've lost faith in this broken system
Got love for my home
But if we cry is there anyone listening
We're the forgotten generation
We want an open conversation
Follow me on this road
You know we gotta let go

For all of the times
That they said it's impossible
They built the hurdles
The walls and the obstacles

When we're together you know we're unstoppable now

I'm not afraid
To tear it down and build it up again
It's not our fate
We could be the renegades
I'm here for you
Are you here for me too?
Let's start again
We could be the renegades

They've been holding us down
They've been telling us to change our voices But we're not part of that crowd
We made our bed and we'll make our own choices
We may be underestimated
But I know one day we will make it
Time to say it out loud
We are young and we're proud
surikomare nurikasanerareta
uso wa bokura wo nomikonda

We gotta fight for our rights and the things we love now

I'm not afraid To tear it down and build it up again
It's not our fate
We could be the renegades
I'm here for you
Are you here for me too?
Let's start again
We could be the renegades
We could be the renegades
Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready
Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready
Take a deep breath close your eyes and get ready to fly

I'm not afraid
To tear it down and build it up again
It's not our fate
We could be the renegades
I'm here for you
Are you here for me too?
Let's start again
We could be the renegades
We could be the renegades

One Ok Rock - Renegades (Japanese Ver.) Songtext

zu Renegades von One Ok Rock - Renegades (Japanese Ver.) Lyrics One Ok Rock - Renegades Text Renegades (Japanese Ver.) One Ok Rock Renegades (Japanese Ver.) Liedtext
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