Oh Wonder - This Christmas Text

Songtext zu This Christmas

[Verse 1: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]
There's a million faces smiling in the street
And a quiet hum sing winter melodies
Seems funny how the season brings a tear
And I'm longing for the snow to disappear

[Pre-Chorus: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]
Hey now
If I close my eyes now
Shut all the world out
Just you and me

[Chorus: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]

I'd give all the snow and sleigh bells
All the Christmas lights
I'd give all the cold and mistletoe
All the cozy nights
I'd give all the love this time of year
And all that festive cheer
I'd give anything this Christmas
Anything this Christmas
I'd give anything this Christmas to have you here

[Verse 2: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]
There's a taxi driving someone home tonight
And a Christmas card that I will never write
Wish I had that river I could skate away on
Wish I had you in my arms where you belong

[Pre-Chorus: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]
Hey now
If I close my eyes now
Shut all the world out

Just you and me

[Chorus: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]
I'd give all the snow and sleigh bells
All the Christmas lights
I'd give all the cold and mistletoe
All the cozy nights
I'd give all the love this time of year
And all that festive cheer
I'd give anything this Christmas
Anything this Christmas
I'd give anything this Christmas to have you here

[Chorus: Josephine Vander Gucht & Anthony West]
I'd give anything this Christmas, anything this Christmas
I'd give anything this Christmas
All the snow and sleigh bells
All the Christmas lights
I'd give all the cold and mistletoe
All the cozy nights
I'd give all the love this time of year, all that festive cheer
I'd give anything this Christmas
Anything this Christmas
I'd give anything this Christmas to have you here

Oh Wonder - This Christmas Songtext

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