Oh Wonder - Lonely Star Text

Songtext zu Lonely Star

Literally at this second
Like in everything that's happening in the world
Being a human is pretty much the hardest thing to be

[Verse 1]
Backseat, sat at the local bar
Dressed to the nines to impress the dark
Damn, they sure look good together
I'm just hoping for good weather
Lost it all when I heard the sound
Windows down and the power's out
Damn, they sure look good together

I'm just struck down in bad weather

I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?

[Verse 2]
Words are there but they don't come out
Not my best at singing loud
Damn, I sure can't make it better
I'm just hoping for bad weather
I guess I'll be a somebody that nobody knows
Guess I'll never find the one that I can call home

I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?

I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
I'm a lonely star
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?

Oh Wonder - Lonely Star Songtext

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