oh alien - Grow Text

Songtext zu Grow

Something in the way that I
Or the way.....?
Something in the shape and sound of your way

Will I fall to decide or will I grow to the meaning here
Or will I keep open eyes
I can still feel the beating of...us
'Cause I keep searching and all I ever find is a way things could be
Don't stay
'Cause I leave burns here for the mind

Something in the way that I
Or the way.....?
Something in the shape and sound of the way....

Somehow emotion feels stronger than I've felt for so long
I've grown here in this moment
I feel closer than I've felt for so long why?

So I keep searching and all I ever find is a way things could be
Don't stay
'Cause I leave burns here when all I ever find is a way things should be
Don't stay
For I get burnt here when
All I ever find is a moment of a word
The colder I become
Because I'm holding on inside

And I don't feel you there
Out there
I see you there
Out there

Why not come closer?

So we don't fit so we pretend so

So we don't fit so we pretend

oh alien - Grow Songtext

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Album: Dead Letter Circus - EP (2007)

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