Of Monsters And Men - Visitor Text

Songtext zu Visitor

Let's not make this complicated, I know you
Last night I had the strangest dream that you knew me too

But you need to wake up
I can tell you disappeared
Just like my parent's house
I've become a visitor

In the nights you say, that you go underwater
But you won't take me, no
You won't drown with your lover

You told me I wasn't available

I guess I wasn't, I was incapable
I want to better this time
But I guess you're better in the back of my mind

Oh you need to wake up
I can tell you disappeared
Just like my parent's housе
I've become a visitor

My mothеr said I was always afraid of the dark
But I'm not, I don't mind
Having a ghost in my bed
My mother said I was always afraid of the dark
But I'm not, I don't mind
Having a ghost in my bed
(Guess what, we're doing this again)
My mother said I was always afraid of the dark
But I'm not, I don't mind
Having a ghost in my bed
(Guess what, we're doing this again)

My mother said I was always afraid of the dark
But I'm not, I don't mind
Having a ghost in my bed
(Ooh, ooh)

My mother said I was always afraid of the dark
But I'm not, I don't mind
Having a ghost in my bed

Of Monsters And Men - Visitor Songtext

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