Nico Santos - Play With Fire TEXT

Play With Fire
Deutsche Übersetzung 🇩🇪 »

Songtext zu Play With Fire

[Verse 1]
It's only been about a couple of days
You must have gone and put a spell on me
I can't get you out from under my veins
Singing, "Oh my Lord, she'll be the death of me"
I'm not the one to normally play the fool
So tell me, brother, what's a man to do?
Half man, half mad, going crazy over you
Singing, "Oh my god, if you're the fire, I'm the fuel"

Well, my mama, yeah, she'd always say
It's stupid to get in between
A woman who knows what she wants

Well, I guess I made that mistake
I'm young and foolish or brave
And she's made her way into my heart

I gotta get out
This is what you get when you fall in love
No one ever said how good it hurts
I tried it once, but it's once too much
You end up getting burned
I'm like the gasoline, you light the match
Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
So I cross my heart, kill my desire
This is what you get when you play with fire

This is what you get when you play with fire

This is what you get when you play with fire

[Verse 2]
I'm a pyromaniac, it ain't safe
'Cause you've got trouble written over your face
You say lover, gotta have a little faith
Thinking I'd have mercy but I know you ain't a saint
And daddy used to warn me 'bout your kind
I read the book maybe a thousand times
Somewhere, somehow missed the warning signs
'Cause I'm calling up to see if you're around tonight

Well, my mama, yeah, she'd always say
It's stupid to get in between
A woman who knows what she wants
Well, I guess I made that mistake
I'm young and foolish or brave
And she's made her way into my heart

I gotta get out
This is what you get when you fall in love
No one ever said how good it hurts
I tried it once but it's once too much
You end up getting burned
I'm like the gasoline, you light the match
Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
So I cross my heart, kill my desire
This is what you get when you play with fire

This is what you get when you play with fire
This is what you get when you play with fire

Fire, fire, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Play with fire, fire, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

I gotta get out
This is what you get when you fall in love
No one ever said how good it hurts
I tried it once but it's once too much
You end up getting burned
I'm like the gasoline, you light the match
Ain't no one else who can burn me like that
So I cross my heart, kill my desire
This is what you get when you play with fire

Fire, fire, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
This is what you get when you play with fire
Play with fire, fire, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
This is what you get when you play with fire
Fire, fire, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Play with fire, fire, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

Nico Santos - Play With Fire Songtext

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Nico Santos Play With Fire Letra de Play With Fire com Nico Santos Nico Santos - Play With Fire tekst
Album: Nico Santos (2020)

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