Nickless - C'est La Vie, Baby! Text

Songtext zu C'est La Vie, Baby!

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that life was fair
Just the passing of time that we shared
(Just the passing of time we shared)
(C'est la vie)

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that love was fair
Just the tears and the laughter we shared
(Just the tears and the laughter we shared)
(C'est la vie)
No regrets I swear

You know...

Easy come, easy go
That's the only rule I follow
But like the hot desert sun
I burn for the one
Who'll give me tomorrow

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that life was fair
Just the passing of time that we shared
(Just the passing of time we shared)
(C'est la vie)
No regrets I swear

We can't say we haven't tried
To take the magic of our ride
We loved and we lost
And now we pay the cost
Love has no price

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that life was fair just the passing of time that we shared
(Just the passing of time we shared)
(C'est la vie)

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that love was fair
Just the tears and the laughter we shared
(Just the tears and the laughter we shared)
(C'est la vie)
No regrets I swear

(Every day...)

One night
One starry heavenly passionate night
Under the right grass and moonlight
I know he will come to me
He'll slowly unveil the mysteries of me
And we'll dance with abandoned delight
So satisfied

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that life was fair just the passing of time that we shared
(Just the passing of time we shared)
(C'est la vie)

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that love was fair
Just the tears and the laughter we shared
(Just the tears and the laughter we shared)
(C'est la vie)
No regrets I swear

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that life was fair just the passing of time that we shared
(Just the passing of time we shared)
(C'est la vie)

C'est la vie elbi
Oh whatever said that love was fair
Just the tears and the laughter we shared
(Just the tears and the laughter we shared)
(C'est la vie)
No regrets I swear

Nickless - C'est La Vie, Baby! Songtext

zu C'est La Vie, Baby! von Nickless - C'est La Vie, Baby! Lyrics Nickless - C'est La Vie, Baby! Text C'est La Vie, Baby! Nickless C'est La Vie, Baby! Liedtext
Nickless C'est La Vie, Baby! Letra de C'est La Vie, Baby! com Nickless Nickless - C'est La Vie, Baby! Songtekst Nickless - C'est La Vie, Baby! Tekst
Album: Truly (Emet) (2003)

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