New Order - Be a Rebel Text

Songtext zu Be a Rebel

[Verse 1]
I feel the need for harmony
And I look around
But it's not what I see
I see angry faces
Looking at me
And I want to know
What makes them so
For this world can be a dangerous place
But it’s all we got
And it's quite a lot


Take a look at yourself
You may not be the same as everyone else
You're just different, that’s okay
We all follow our own way
And if you find that they won't listen
Then they've got nothing to say
So don't get mad, don't feel sad
Be a rebel, not a devil
(Be a rebel, not a devil)

[Verse 2]
There will come a day
When your fear and self-doubt fades away
Because you have achieved what you need
There's no doubt in your heart
Not a care
It's a family affair

Take a look at yourself

You may not be the same as everyone else
You're just different, that’s okay
We all follow our own way
And if you find that they won’t listen
Then they've got nothing to say
So don’t get mad, don't feel sad
Be a rebel, not a devil

New Order - Be a Rebel Songtext

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