Songtext zu Turbo
Das dj Paul Elstak, jonguh!Ey, wa hoor ik daar nou, jonguh
I wanna see a rainbow high in the sky
I wanna see you and me-
Hey, das een ander nummer
Turbo, jonguh!
Turbo, turbo, going fast
Hyperspeed, we never rest
Rainbow in the sky
We're feeling free
Take you to the promised land
Where life is like a turbo dance
Just come along
And rave with me
Turbo! (2X)
Hey, Paul, jonguh, kut
Gooit die turbo d'r 's in dan
Dj Paul, Dj Paul!
New Kids 'till eternity
Turbo, turbo, going fast
Hyperspeed, we never rest
Rainbow in the sky
We're feeling free
Take you to the promised land
Where life is like a turbo dance
Just come along
And rave with me
New Kids 'till eternity
Dj Paul Elstak, of nie?
New Kids - Turbo Songtext
zu Turbo von New Kids - Turbo Lyrics New Kids - Turbo Text Turbo New Kids Turbo LiedtextNew Kids Turbo Letra de Turbo com New Kids New Kids - Turbo Songtekst New Kids - Turbo Tekst
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