Nessa Barrett - ​​decay Text

Songtext zu ​​decay

[Verse 1]
So it's me and you against the world
And we won’t make it out alive
'Cause everyone wants to sink their teeth and stop our breathing, I
I know we like to hurt each other
Just to see if we can cry
But I will never fucking leave you, cross my heart and hope to die

They say there's no chance in hell
That this is gonna last


But I’ll still love you even after we decay
When our bodies start to wither
And there's bugs inside our brains
And I'll still want you when we'rе six feet in the ground
When our bones arе cold and rotten
I promise I'll still be around

[Verse 2]
They're telling us our future is are dead end (Dead end)
But fuck it, I'll be your corpse bride
They're not invited to the wedding (You’re not invited to the)
I’m tracing all the tears that you'll be shedding (You’ll be shedding)
A funeral's the only party
They won't use our names to get in

They say there's no chance in hell
That this is gonna last


But I’ll still love you even after we decay (After we decay)
When our bodies start to wither
And there's bugs inside our brains (Bugs inside our)
And I'll still want you when we're six feet in the ground (Six feet)
When our bones are cold and rotten
I promise I'll still be around

(Even after we decay)
Promise I'll still be around
(Even after we decay)
Promise I'll still be around
(Even after we decay)
(Even after, even after we decay)
(Even after, even after we decay)

Nessa Barrett - ​​decay Songtext

zu ​​decay von Nessa Barrett - ​​decay Lyrics Nessa Barrett - ​​decay Text ​​decay Nessa Barrett ​​decay Liedtext
Nessa Barrett ​​decay Letra de ​​decay com Nessa Barrett
Album: young forever (2022)

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