Nessa Barrett - ​club heaven Text

Songtext zu ​club heaven

[Verse 1]
You always liked an afterparty, so I guess I shoulda known
Said we hate the paparazzi, now you're somewhere they can't go
I hope you know I'm sorry, that I'm not with you right now
Can't pick up when you call me, can't hear it through the clouds

I've been waitin' right outside
Tryna bribe the bouncer
He says, "Not tonight"

I hope you're dancin' in club Heaven (Yeah)
Smokin' some blue dream with your legends (Yeah)

I bet you're up in the V.I.P., raisin' some hell for me
Until I get in (I can't get in)
To club Heaven

[Verse 2]
The music's never stoppin', and the lights never turn on
The saints are rollin' Molly, and you're talkin' shit with God
I'm searchin' for your halo 'cause I'm not havin' fun
In the city full of angels that's missin' the best one

I wish I could cut the line
Been tryna bribe the bouncer
He says, "Not tonight"

I hope you're dancin' in club Heaven (Yeah)
Smokin' some blue dream with your legends (Yeah)
I bet you're up in the V.I.P., raisin' some hell for me

Until I get in (I can't get in)
To club Heaven

What if I can't get in?
How will I see you again?
What if I can't get in?
How will I see you again?

I hope you're dancin' in club Heaven

Nessa Barrett - ​club heaven Songtext

zu ​club heaven von Nessa Barrett - ​club heaven Lyrics Nessa Barrett - ​club heaven Text ​club heaven Nessa Barrett ​club heaven Liedtext
Nessa Barrett ​club heaven Letra de ​club heaven com Nessa Barrett
Album: church club for the lonely (2023)

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