Nate Smith - Faith Text

Songtext zu Faith

I lost Hope on a Friday night
Watched her walk away under neon lights
I found Grace, almost made her mine
Had to cut her off at closin' time
I let a few good ones go
Been lost down a few dark roads
Yeah, but everything changed as soon as you told me your name
Tonight, I need a little Faith

[Verse 1]
Mama said she prays for me
I quit runnin' around, get to settlin' down

'Cause I can't keep these party girls away from me
Walkin', lookin' like some angels 'til their horns come out
I could have my pick, go up and down that list
Of the the names that I let drive me crazy
Aw, but now I see
Baby, all I need is somеbody to save me

I lost Hope on a Friday night
Watchеd her walk away under neon lights
I found Grace, almost made her mine
Had to cut her off at closin' time
I let a few good ones go
Been lost down a few dark roads
Yeah, but everything changed as soon as you told me your name
Tonight, I need a little Faith

[Verse 2]
Sweeter than a Sunday hymn
All this time, baby, tell me where the hell you've been?

I was lost in the valley, been a long weekend
Then you walked up in the bar and made it all make sense, yeah
Take a hand, let me take you home
You're the one I ain't letting go

I lost Hope on a Friday night
Watched her walk away under neon lights
I found Grace, almost made her mine
Had to cut her off at closin' time
I let a few good ones go
Been lost down a few dark roads
Yeah, but everything changed as soon as you told me your name
Tonight, I need a little Faith

Little Faith in my hands, little Faith in my heart
Dancin' all around me in the back of the bar
Bringin' me to my knees, baby, don't make me wait
'Cause tonight, I need a little Faith

Tonight, I need a little Faith
Tonight, I need a little Faith

Nate Smith - Faith Songtext

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