Nate Smith & Avril Lavigne - Can You Die From a Broken Heart Text

Songtext zu Can You Die From a Broken Heart

The flowers in my hallway died two weeks ago
And just like you I didn't have the heart to see them go

I know it sounds pathetic
I guess it kind of is
Emotions burn in different lights
And it's just what it is

Oh, bless those friends giving me
Sorries and sympathies
Know they're just trying to help

I see you in this house, the city streets

Polaroids, memories
Still had some stories to tell

They say time heals all wounds
Is it ever enough?
I wanna learn how to cope
Wanna learn how to love again
Oh, I've been trying to hold on, but I'm falling apart
Tell me, can you die from a broken heart?
Tell me, can you die from a broken heart?

I used to be the strong one now this has got me broke
I want you in the present not someone I used to know

Oh, bless those friends giving me
Sorries and sympathies
I know they're just trying to help

I see you in my morning coffee grounds
I can't drink coffee now

It makes me bitter as hell

They say time heals all wounds
Is it ever enough?
I wanna learn how to cope
Wanna learn how to love again
Oh, I've been trying to hold on, but I'm falling apart
Tell me, can you die from a broken heart?
Tell me, can you die from a broken heart?

Can you die from a broken heart?
Can you die from a broken heart?

Tell me, can you die from a broken heart?
Tell me, can you die from a broken heart?

Avril Lavigne & Nate Smith - Can You Die From a Broken Heart Songtext

zu Can You Die From a Broken Heart von Nate Smith & Avril Lavigne - Can You Die From a Broken Heart Lyrics Nate Smith & Avril Lavigne - Can You Die From a Broken Heart Text Nate Smith & Avril Lavigne - Can You Die From a Broken Heart Tekst piosenki Can You Die From a Broken Heart Nate Smith & Avril Lavigne Can You Die From a Broken Heart Liedtext
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