Songtext zu June
I could hold you here forever Tangled in my arms
My salty hair, your sandy sweater Underneath the stars
Is this a dream? and if it is
Please don't wake me
I feel beautiful when I'm happy And I'm happy when I'm with you
I feel wonderful when we're laughing But summer's passing
And I'm here asking Can we go back June? Take me back to June
I already miss your smile
And you're not even gone yet Why don't we just stay a while Pretending that the sunset
Won't go down
And we can stay here In this little town
I feel beautiful when I'm happy And I'm happy when I'm with you
I feel wonderful when we're laughing But summer's passing
And I'm here asking Can we go back June? Take me back to June
Where every moment was a blessing With a picture perfect setting
And our time was never ending
I feel beautiful when I'm happy And I'm happy right here with you
I feel wonderful when we're laughing But summer's passing
And I'm here asking Can we go back to
Natalie Jane - June Songtext
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