Naeleck & Sarah Rebecca - All My Heroes Text

Songtext zu All My Heroes

Whatever mess you're in
The demons you’ve been fightin'
The demons you've been fightin’
The demons you've been fightin'

[Verse 1]
Whatever mess you're in
The demons you've been fightin'
Know that your quest is only just beginning
Everything you've been through
Has led you to this moment, focus
Be present, let your spirit guide you
Now that you're on your way

Wherever you walk you radiate
And you create the destiny that you’ve been dreaming of
This mеss you’re in
This mess you're in
This mеss you’re in

A voice called out to you
Strange how you can't turn away
You've got someone who's true
When the darkness becomes too great
A voice called out to you
Strange how you can’t turn away
You've got someone who's true
When the darkness becomes too great

Please, I don't need you to explain
Just look within, don't be afraid
I've been there too and made mistakes

But I know you're stronger than you think

[Verse 2]
Now that you're on your way
Wherever you walk you radiate
And you create the destiny that you've been dreaming of
Everything you've been through
Has led you to this moment, focus
Be present, let your spirit guide you

Whatever mess you're in
Whatever mess you're in
The demons you've been fighting
Whatever mess you're in
Whatever mess you're in
The demons you've been fighting

Just look within, don't be afraid
Just look within, don't be afraid
All my heroes, let me hear you
All my heroes, let me hear you
All my heroes, let me hear you
All my heroes, let me hear you

Naeleck und Sarah Rebecca - All My Heroes Songtext

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