Mose & River Roots - Home Text

Songtext zu Home

These feet they carry me
I know not for how long
But I know just how far

I can hear my home
I can hear my home
I can hear my home
I can hear my home

These eyes they can not see
No just not currently
But my mind my memories
They’ll show me

I can hear my home
I can hear my home
I can hear my home
I can hear my home

These feet they carry me
I know not for how long
But I know just how far

These eyes they can not see
No just not currently
But my mind my memories
They’ll show me

I can hear my home

In the land of my spirit
In the land of my blood
I can hear it now

I can hear my home

Mose und River Roots - Home (Deep Mix) Songtext

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