Moby & Akemi Fox - fall back Text

Songtext zu fall back

[Verse 1]
Leave me alone
Don't know what's wrong
Felt like this for too long
Can't you just go?
So I don't have to talk 'bout it
So I can escape your silence
So I don't have to think 'bout it

I wanna fall back into a dream
Into a dream, into a dream, into a dream
I wanna fall back into a dream
Into a dream

You know my heart won't wait
You know my mind won't fade
Why don't you try it my way?
Try it my way, try it my way
Tighten, tighten, tighten

[Verse 2]
Takin' your thoughts, black out the noise
Do I have the power to see?
'Cause I was having these really weird dreams
What do they really mean to me?
Being confused at this
Thinking I'm new to this
All I could see was you and me, you and me

I wanna fall back into a dream
Into a dream, into a dream, into a dream
I wanna fall back into a dream

Into a dream, into a dream, into a dream
You know my heart won't wait
You know my mind won't fade
Why don't you try it my way?
Try it my way, try it my way
You know my heart won't wait
You know my mind won't fade
Why don't you try it my way?
Try it my way, try it my way
Tighten, tighten, tighten
Tighten, tighten, tighten
I wanna fall back into a dream
Into a dream, into a dream, into a dream
I wanna fall back into a dream
Into a dream, into a dream

Moby und Akemi Fox - fall back (quiet version) [Mixed] Songtext

zu fall back (quiet version) [Mixed] von Moby & Akemi Fox - fall back Lyrics Akemi Fox & Moby - fall back (quiet version) [Mixed] Text fall back (quiet version) [Mixed] Moby & Akemi Fox fall back (quiet version) [Mixed] Liedtext
Moby & Akemi Fox fall back Letra de fall back com Moby & Akemi Fox Moby & Akemi Fox - fall back Songtekst Moby & Akemi Fox - fall back (quiet version) [Mixed] Tekst
Album: ​fall back (2022)

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